Dr. Aubrey Tom, ND

Dr. Aubrey Tom is a born and raised Texan. She lives locally with her husband and two daughters. Her love for natural health and helping people developed at a young age. From infancy she was immersed in the world of natural health. Her grandparents have been lovingly teaching and guiding people back to health for over 40 years. Dr. Aubrey started her learning journey in the 8th grade when she began working in her grandparent’s health shop. She learned skills such as muscle testing, reflexology, energy work and much more through observation and hands on training with her grandparents.

Dr. Aubrey attended Trinity School of Natural Health where she received her Certified Natural Health Practitioner (CNHP) and graduated in 2018 with the title of Doctor of Natural Health. Her mission is to discover the root to a person’s un-health and use what God has provided to return their bodies back to health as God intended.

When not at work, Dr. Aubrey loves spending time with her family playing games and making memories. She enjoys being active in her local MOPS group and hanging out with other moms and their kiddos. She is very active with her church and has been blessed to direct the children’s LTC chorus for the past 18 years. When she finds the time Dr. Aubrey loves to craft and has been known to belt a song or five out at a local karaoke night.

Services by Doctor Aubrey

Reflexology Massage

A 45 minute foot massage used to promote proper circulation, nerve response and energy to the entire body.

Ion Detox Foot Bath

A full body detox that may help with detoxing, heavy metals, yeast, tobacco, toxins from joints, liver, kidneys, and more.

All while building your immune system.

Emotion Release

Emotions, while beautiful and enriching, can sometimes lead to the formation of "emotional baggage." Dr. Aubrey specializes in emotional release, assisting individuals in tuning into and disrupting trapped emotional frequencies and fostering genuine healing.

Zyto Bio Feedback

The ZYTO scan involves the measurement of galvanic skin response (GSR) using a Hand Cradle. With the collected software analyzed data, this data representative of a wide range of things like foods, nutritional supplements, body organs, and systems.